Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Father's Right

What better example is there of unconditional love than a father who stays by his children?

Did anyone else notice all the posts on social media, about Father's day today? I did.

You could have seen something different, since we have different friends, but what I saw was a lot of thankfulness. I saw dozens of people, with not-perfect fathers, who declared them perfect anyway.
hat better example is there of unconditional love than a father who stays by his children?

Because they see that their fathers are doing the 'best they can with what they know' (Anonymous), and their fathers were THERE.  If we can give our earthly fathers grace to cover their mistakes, why not our heavenly Father? See, God doesn't make mistakes, yet we shun him based on imaginary slights or seemingly unanswered prayers.

Didn't your father ever say no? I know mine did, frequently, and I am the better for it. Is it not his right as a guardian to say no to his children? Why then do we groan when the Lord exercises His fatherly right to say NO?

Do not fear, do not let yourselves become cold. Our Father is standing on the throne, and waiting for the right moment to announce his victory. Do not turn away from God because He says no! Didn't he say that the hairs on your head are numbered? And is not our hair constantly growing and falling out? For God to number your hairs means He is Constantly paying attention to you. Rather than let your hearts be hardened, trust that as our fathers knew how to protect and grow us, so God knows even more.

"And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming... How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" -1 John 2:28, 3:1

In closing, a quick shout out (or write out? If you want it to be a shout out, just make sure there's no one around you. They Might think you're crazy) to two people. First, to those of you who do not have a father, or not a good one. Take heart! Did not Jesus tell us to pray to God as "Our Father?"
If you have received Jesus as your Savior, He has declared you as His child.
"...And by him we cry, 'Abba, Father.' The Sprit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children." -Romans 8:15-16

Finally, here's to my dad. Daddy, you have shown me time and again what God's love looks like, feels like, acts like. You have covered me and corrected me and watched over me time after time, you have shown me what faithfulness looks like through your love to Mom (30 years strong!), and you have been my Friend and confidant and advisor through many days good and bad. I honestly would not be who I am or where I am, without you. You showed me how to live, and you taught me of our Lord- and for this I am eternally grateful. I love you Daddy.

To all of you dear friends, thank you again for reading! My desire is for you to be lifted up today, so rejoice and be glad! Remember to look around and share life with the people around you, and make every moment count!


A fellow Adventurer

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